If you’re like most people, when planning a trip you’re spending weeks (or even months) researching, doing dozens of searches, making a handful of reservations, and going back and forth on platforms and sites trying to keep it all organized. Now Google has a plan to fix that.
Google announced Tuesday a new feature that will put everything related to your next trip in one place. Google’s Trips which you can get to either by making travel-related searches in Google, or by navigating to google.com/travel, will now automatically organize all your travel planning.
Richard Holden, vice president of product management at Google, told “Travel planning is multisession in nature — it takes place over many days, many weeks. Any trip content you have will be featured on that page.”
Trips provides easy access to Google’s powerhouse travel tools, including flight and hotel search, while featuring both your confirmed reservations and whatever you’ve been considering in your searches.
“If you make a reservation via flight search or hotel search and get an email in Gmail confirming that reservation, we’ll automatically take that content,” Holden told. “And when you next type that, take you back into it.”
So, for example; if you’re headed to Istanbul this summer, the next time you search “Istanbul”, Google will know you aren’t looking for basic information. Instead, if you have a flight booked or were already researching The Grand Bazaar, expect to see content tailored to you.
“We’ve spent a lot of time over the past number of years trying to make our subverticals (hotel search flight search) more comprehensive,” Holden told. “What we haven’t done yet is help the user connect the dots.”
Google plans to roll out the unified Trips info in Google Maps in the next few months.